RA Monitor

Gain real-time, forensic insight into your electronic trading activity with a consolidated view across multiple trading platforms, enhancing execution quality management and compliance.

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Key Features

Customisable Web UI

Customisable Web UI

Real-time view of order and session status

Real-time view of order and session status

Advanced alerting and notifications

Advanced alerting and notifications

Store and search millions of trade messages

Store and search millions of trade messages

Custom field calculations

Custom field calculations

Message tracing and log file access

Message tracing and log file access

Network agents for Plug & Play deployment

Network agents for Plug & Play deployment


Never lose sight of counterparty connectivity status

Session management and connectivity status oversight could not be simpler using our highly configurable Web UI.

First line of defense for trading activity and regulatory monitoring

Real-time view of all trading activity and order status, with configurable alerts and automated notifications that immediately highlight potential problems.

Quickly drill down from consolidated view to message-level detail

Simply click through from trading activity overview to child order message trees and full FIX log details to quickly resolve issues.

Fast identification of performance bottlenecks

Integrate RA Monitor with network agents across your infrastructure to keep on top of platform performance and latency.

Easily integrate with third-party applications for greater insight

Integrate with your visualisation tools and database technology to gain deeper insight into real-time and historical data.

Discover how Rapid Addition can help you compete in today’s financial markets