Category: Regulation

Realizing data opportunities in the securities industry - WatersTechnology

Realizing data opportunities in the securities industry – WatersTechnology

Digitized securities markets depend on efficient flows of structured data, but the lack of standardized data models could soon start to impede their growth. Data is now the primary ingredient of the securities services industry. It governs the efficiency of settlement, safekeeping, asset servicing and regulatory reporting. Data is also driving product development. Ultimately, the […]

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Abstract graphs on a trading technology platform

A Match Made in Heaven? The Growing Importance of Systematic Internalisation

It’s easy, and perhaps convenient, to forget the mad scramble to be ready for MiFID II. Many firms struggled to interpret the operational implications of the 1.7 million paragraphs of text, turn them into policy and assess their potential business impact. The ‘day 1’ priority was just getting compliant with the new regime, and few […]

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